
629 results, showing 551 to 560
Compliance staff from the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs (OCBA) recently visited retailers, car dealers, builders, service stations and pubs across the region to check up on their trading practices.
Today Minister for Consumer Affairs Tony Robinson and Nicole Livingstone, continued to warn Victorians about the childhood strangulation risk associated with blind and curtain cords.
Today Minister for Consumer Affairs Tony Robinson and Nicole Livingstone, continued to warn Victorians about the childhood strangulation risk associated with blind and curtain cords.
A children’s bicycle missing three required safety components was withdrawn from sale by Apollo Bicycle Co Pty Ltd following concerns raised by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
The ACCC has become aware of the distribution and sale of decorative wall tiles containing Tremolite asbestos, which is a prohibited hazardous substance.
Toy-like novelty cigarette lighters are being banned in Western Australia from today (5 February 2010), amid fears children could literally end up playing with fire.
Minister for Consumer Affairs Tony Robinson today launched a statewide safety campaign to educate consumers and traders about the childhood strangulation risk associated with blind and curtain cords.