Free safety kit to prevent curtain cord injury and death


Victorian families can now get a free blind and curtain cord safety kit to keep dangerous cords out of the way of babies and small children, thanks to a new State Government safety campaign.

At the campaign launch at the Royal Children’s Hospital today, Consumer Affairs Minister Tony Robinson said blind and curtain cords can be dangerous as they can get tangled around a child’s neck, injuring or even strangling them.

“The Victorian Government is taking action to protect the health and safety of Victorian children by providing families with the resources they need to keep their kids safe,” Mr Robinson said.

“Two Victorian children died last year after being strangled by blind or curtain cords and more children have been admitted to hospitals with serious injuries after becoming tangled in cords.

“To prevent further tragic deaths and injuries, we are providing a free safety kit to all Victorians so blind and curtain cords can be kept safely away from little ones.”

Mr Robinson said the State Government enacted a mandatory safety standard for blinds and curtains in 2008 so all new blinds and curtains come with an essential safety feature to prevent babies and children getting tangled in cords.

“By offering a free safety kit to all Victorians, families with older blinds and curtains can also make their homes more safe and protect their kids from harm,” he said

Director of Emergency Medicine at the Royal Children’s Hospital Dr Simon Young said the risk of serious harm to children from exposed loops and long blind and curtain cords was very real and strongly encouraged all Victorians to use the Government’s safety kit.

“It doesn’t take much to make your blinds and curtains safe and you may save a child’s life by taking a little extra care,” he said.

For more information or to request a free safety kit, contact Consumer Affairs Victoria on 1300 55 81 81or visit the Consumer Affairs Victoria website.

Contact details

General inquiries

Toy and Nursery Safety Line: 1300 36 48 94

Consumer Affairs Helpline: 1300 55 81 81


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