WA bans toy-like novelty cigarette lighters


Toy-like novelty cigarette lighters are being banned in Western Australia from today (5 February 2010), amid fears children could literally end up playing with fire. WA shops which stock lighters

deemed to be appealing to kids under-five will be made to remove them from shelves and any company caught supplying the products will face a fine of up to $100,000. Individuals who supply

them can be fined up to $20,000.

The lighters, which look like ordinary toys, have shocked Commissioner for Consumer Protection Anne Driscoll. “Among the lighters our Product Safety team found in WA was a bright yellow

duck that could easily be given to a small child, however as you push the button to make it quack a long flame shoots up from its head!” she said. “Another that disturbed me was a red racing car

with moving wheels. On further inspection the bonnet flipped down and a flame could be ignited by pushing a shiny silver lever on the side of the toy. “The lighters take many forms - from a frog to

a gun, to playing cards. Many make cute noises or have flashing lights and would not be recognisable as cigarette lighters to an adult. “These items are quite clearly enticing to youngsters, which

is why we have moved to ban them before a tragedy occurs. Children are told ‘never play with fire’ yet these products are encouraging it.”

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