Mont Marte International Pty Ltd—Creative Kids Fridge Magnet Sets

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Craft sets for making and painting various designs of plaster fridge magnets
Identifying features
MMKC0053, MMKC0054, MMKC0055, MMKC0056, MMKC0075, MMKC0076, MMKC0077, MMKC0078

Other identifying numbers

MMKC0053, MMKC0054, MMKC0055, MMKC0056, MMKC0075, MMKC0076, MMKC0077, MMKC0078

Reasons the product is recalled

These products contain hazardous small magnets, which can be cause serious injury or death if swallowed. Some sets do not carry the mandatory warning on their packaging in contravention of the regulation for children's toys containing magnets.

The hazards to consumers

If two or more magnets are swallowed, they can stick together across intestines causing serious infections or death. Consumers may not be alerted to this risk due to the lack of mandatory warning labels on some of the products.

What consumers should do

Customers should familiarise themselves with the hazards of these magnets and ensure there is adequate supervision of children using the sets. Alternatively, customers concerned about the safety of the sets that don't have the required warning label may return them to the place of purchase and request a refund by contacting Mont Marte International directly on (07) 3255 4406 or at

Traders who sold this product

Newsagencies, bookstores, discount variety stores, art stores

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Recall advertisement

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category