Kmart Australia Ltd and Target Australia Pty Ltd—North Pole Express 27 Piece Train Set

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Style 62170. APN nos. 9300804058995 and 019071621700 respectively. The North Pole Express 27 Piece Train Set has been sold in Kmart and Target stores in Australia since September 2008.
Kmart - North Pole Express - Christmas Train Set

Reasons the product is recalled

It has been identified that the mechanical Mute switch with Low and High function, found on top of the engine compartment, may accidentally position between Mute and Low function and create an electrical short circuit in the battery compartment.

The hazards to consumers


What consumers should do

Customers should cease using the North Pole Express Train Set immediately and return the product to the retailer of purchase for a full refund.


Kmart Australia Ltd and Target Australia Pty Ltd

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category