De Bortoli Wines — Woodfired Heathcote Sparkling Shiraz

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Sparkling Red Wine - 750 ml glass bottle with cork closure

Date marking L7279b1 and L7327b1
Identifying features

Other identifying numbers

APN 9300752050256

Reasons the product is recalled

The bottle may shatter if exposed to sustained heat for extended periods.

The hazards to consumers

There is a risk of serious injury if the bottle shatters.

What consumers should do

Consumers should avoid opening and minimise handling the bottle. To reduce the risk of injury, wrap the bottle in a towel and insert into a plastic bag, then place in safe cool storage. Consumers should then contact the Customer Support Centre to arrange pick up and replacement or refund.
For further information please contact:
De Bortoli Wines
1800 697 224


De Bortoli Wines

Traders who sold this product

Independent Liquor stores and hotels

Where the product was sold

Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
Western Australia

Dates available for sale


Coordinating agency

Food Standards Australia New Zealand is the coordinating agency for this recall.

Product category