Zapatin Import Pty Ltd—Yo-Yo Waterball

PRA number


Published date

Product description

A soft rubber ball filled with liquid that has a cord made of the same rubber material that extends and retracts like a yo-yo
Identifying features
1. Green caterpillar-shaped spiky yo-yo water ball 2. Small round spiky yo-yo water ball 3. Green man-shaped spiky yo-yo water ball

Other identifying numbers

1. Green caterpillar-shaped spiky yo-yo water ball
2. Small round spiky yo-yo water ball
3. Green man-shaped spiky yo-yo water ball

Reasons the product is recalled

The product is subject to a permanent ban on Yo-Yo Water Balls and similar products. The product has an elastic cord capable of extending to 500mm in length.

The hazards to consumers

The cord can stretch to over one metre in length and may wind around a child’s neck, especially if swung around the head, and cause choking. The highly elastic and ‘sticky’ nature of the cord can constrict breathing if wound tightly.

What consumers should do

Cease using the product immediately. Return the product to Zapatin Import Pty Ltd for a full refund.


Zapatin Import Pty Ltd

Traders who sold this product

Zapatin Import Pty Ltd

Responsible regulator

Consumer Affairs (VIC) is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category