TWM Pty Ltd—Portable Quick Lift Hydraulic Trolley Jack

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Portable Quick Lift Hydraulic Trolley Jack
Safe working load limit 2250kg
Min height: 145mm
Max height: 505mm
Identifying features
Models: VP8681 and VP8680 (additional model announced 21 July 2011)

Other identifying numbers

Models: VP8681 and VP8680 (additional model announced 21 July 2011)

Reasons the product is recalled

The warning label on the product does not comply with the mandatory Australian/New Zealand Standard, AS/NZS 2615:2004.

The label fails to state:
1. "The unlifted wheels of the vehicle should be chocked."
2. "The load should be centrally located on the head cap."
3. "No person should remain in a vehilce that is being lifted.'
4. "The vehicle manufacturer owner's manual should be consulted prior to the lifting of the vehicle."
5. "The hydraulic trolley jack should be used for lifting and lowering only."
6. The working load in kilograms.
7. The prescribed warnings in letters 5mm high.

The hazards to consumers

The consumer may incorrectly use the product, creating a crushing hazard.

What consumers should do

1. Contact the supplier of the product (where the product was purchased) for a new label to be sent out, OR
2. Return the product to the supplier (where the product was purchased) so that a new label can be affixed, OR
3. Contact the product importer, TWM Imports Pty Ltd on (03) 9314 8588 so that a new label can be sent out.


TWM Pty Ltd

Traders who sold this product

See attached list of traders.

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category