The Reject Shop—Dump Truck

PRA number


Published date

Product description

42cm. The product was available for sale from The Reject Shop from October 2007.
Dump Truck 42cm
Identifying features
Barcode Nos: 21767654.

Other identifying numbers

Barcode Nos: 21767654.

Reasons the product is recalled

The product does not comply with the requirements of the mandatory safety standard for children's toys intended for children under 3 years of age because the truck could break into small pieces when dropped, posing an inhalation and ingestion hazard for young children.

The hazards to consumers


What consumers should do

Customers who have purchased this product, should return it to the nearest Reject Shop for a full refund or discard. Further information is available from The Reject Shop on toll free 1800 633 886.


The Reject Shop

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category