Telechoice—Mountain Bike (Offered with Telechoice mobile phone plans)

PRA number


Published date

Product description

The Mountain Bike was included as a gift in a Telechoice Mobile Phone Promotion launched in February 2001.

Reasons the product is recalled

The mountain bike does not comply with the Australian Standard for Pedal bicycles (AS1927). There is some inconsistency in the shape of the front fork in the area where the front axle is retained, which may result in the front wheel becoming detached.

What consumers should do

Telechoice has arranged for inspection and modification to the Mountain Bikes at no cost to customers. The modifications required will be completed by recognised bike professionals. For information on how to have your Mountain Bike modified please contact Telechoice.


Business Service Brokers Pty Ltd Trading as Telechoice.

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category