Target Australia Pty Ltd — Starter Cookset with Utensils

PRA number


Published date

Product description

4 piece starter cook set with 7 utensils

Keycode: 58795521
Target Starter Cookset with Utensils

Reasons the product is recalled

The handle may detach from the cookware.

The hazards to consumers

The handles may break on the cookware, which could result in a serious injury.

What consumers should do

Please stop using the product and return it to a Target or Target Country store as soon as possible, where you can obtain a full refund. A receipt is not required to obtain a refund.

For further information, please contact Target's Customer Support Centre on 1300 753 567 or visit

Traders who sold this product

Target Australia stores including Target Country stores
Online at

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category