Seeley International Pty Ltd—WF2000-30N Braemar Gas Wall Furnace

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Braemar Gas Wall Furnace
WF2000 serial number location
WF2000 photo
Identifying features
Serial Number Range: W14020107 - W14020590 W14030001 - W14030697 The serial number is located inside the centre door, as shown in the above picture.

Other identifying numbers

Serial Number Range:W14020107 - W14020590W14030001 - W14030697The serial number is located inside the centre door, as shown in the above picture.

Reasons the product is recalled

The wall furnace has been incorrectly fitted with an oversized injector, potentially resulting in carbon monoxide being drawn back into the room being heated.

The hazards to consumers

Consumers may be at risk of serious injury or death from carbon monoxide poisoning.

What consumers should do

Check whether the serial number of your wall furnace falls within the serial number range provided. If so, consumers should stop using the product immediately and contact Seeley International on 1300 150 288.

Traders who sold this product

Various specialist dealers, trade suppliers and retailers.

Where the product was sold

Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
South Australia

Dates available for sale


Responsible regulator

Energy Safe - GTRC (VIC) is the responsible regulator for this recall.