Performex Health—Enhancex - Him & Enhancex - Her

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Enhancex - Him (AUST L 133601). Enhancex - Her (AUST L 133602). All pack sizes. The product was sold via the internet only.
Identifying features

Other identifying numbers


Reasons the product is recalled

The products have been found to contain an analogue of sildenafil, a prescription only medicine, which could give rise to serious health consequences, especially for patients with existing medical conditions such as heart problems, or persons at risk of stroke.

The hazards to consumers

Potentially life-threatening or could cause a serious risk to health (Class I).

What consumers should do

The company can be contacted at


Grace 8338 Pty Ltd (trading as Performex Health)

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Therapeutic Goods Administration is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category