Pascall Principal Pty Ltd—World Traveller's Plug Set

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Model ACP-1. This product was distributed or given away in Australia in gift box packaging in 1996. The product consists of 5 rubber plugs and a rubber holder with the "IBM" logo and the words "IBM Global Network" printed on the holder.

Reasons the product is recalled

Does not comply with the Australian Standard. There is a risk of electric shock as the dimensions of the plugs do not provide adequate protection against contact with the pins.

The hazards to consumers

Electric shock.

What consumers should do

Customers are advised not to use the product and to return it to PO Box 446, Lane Cove 1595. Enquiries can be made by calling (02) 9428 3500.


Pascall Principal Pty Ltd

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category