MSA (Aust) Pty Limited—Redpoint and Auto-Belay Descenders (safety equipment used in recreational wall climbing)

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Redpoint and Auto-Belay descenders (safety equipment commonly used in recreational wall climbing).
RedPoint Descender - 1
Identifying features
All Redpoint Descenders (ppart numbers 10024873, 10027646 BS 10027798 regardless of the date the unit was manufactured or last serviced. Auto-Belay descenders, part number 10021806 manufactured or last serviced on or after 30 June 2000.

Other identifying numbers

All Redpoint Descenders (ppart numbers 10024873, 10027646 BS 10027798 regardless of the date the unit was manufactured or last serviced.
Auto-Belay descenders, part number 10021806 manufactured or last serviced on or after 30 June 2000.

Reasons the product is recalled

A one way bearing component may have prevented the brakes in two of the descenders from engaging during the user's descent of a climbing wall, leading to a rapid descent without warning.

The hazards to consumers


What consumers should do

Discontinue using the descenders immediately and take immediate steps to disallow access to these devices. MSA proposes to issue further notices to users and distributors clarifying what should be done with the Descenders once it has identified if the alleged defect can be addressed by its service department or if the products should be replaced.


MSA (Aust) Pty Limited

Where the product was sold


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category