Longdan Qiegan Wan—Wetness Heat Pill

PRA number


Published date

Product description

10 Sachets each 6g pills. All Batches. Aust L 60685. Supplied to herbal practitioners.

Reasons the product is recalled

This product has been cancelled from the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods following the detection of Aristolochic acids which have been associated with serious adverse reactions including severe kidney damage and urinary tract cancer.

What consumers should do

Do not use this product. Return the product to the place of purchase for a full refund or call customer service on (08) 8211 9898 to arrange the return of the product and a refund.


China Beijing Tong-Ren-Tang Australian Company Pty Ltd

Where the product was sold

New South Wales
South Australia

Responsible regulator

Therapeutic Goods Administration is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category