Lion-Dairy & Drinks Pty Ltd —Pura HiLo White Milk

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Pura HiLo White Milk 600ml with a use by date of 7/02/16
Pura HiLo White Milk 1 litre with a use by date of 7/02/16
No other Pura branded products are affected by the recall.
Identifying features
Pura HiLo 600ml - 9310078029300 Pura HiLo 1L- 9310078029003

Other identifying numbers

Pura HiLo 600ml - 9310078029300
Pura HiLo 1L- 9310078029003

Reasons the product is recalled

Detection of microbial contamination (coliforms).

The hazards to consumers

Consumption of the food products may cause gastrointestinal symptoms.

What consumers should do

Consumers should not consume the product and should dispose of it and contact the Lion Consumer Enquiry Centre on 1800 677 852 to arrange a full refund of the purchase price.

Traders who sold this product

Independent grocery stores and convenience outlets

Where the product was sold

Western Australia

Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Coordinating agency

Food Standards Australia New Zealand is the coordinating agency for this recall.