Linde—Type 113 Reach Trucks

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Trucks built between May 1992 and December 1995 having serial numbers commencing 113D, 113E and 113F which are either: R14s and R16s - 5,800 lift height and above; OR R20s - 5,800mm to 6,300mm lift weight; AND have 480 Ah capacity batteries and above.

Reasons the product is recalled

There is a possibility that the bottom cross-member could crack and the mast fail.

What consumers should do

Contact Linde urgently and necessary rectification will be carried out at no cost to the owner. If necessary a replacement truck will be provided. For further information ring (02) 9831 9500 or contact your local Linde Dealer.


Linde Materials Handling Pty Ltd

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category