Lightforce Australia — Lightforce LiFePO4 Battery Charger

PRA number


Campaign number

LF01 - Recall

Published date

Product description

240V mains battery charger used to charge the Lightforce LiFePO4 12V portable battery accessories
Photos of charger, 3 plug-in, 2 plug-in

Reasons the product is recalled

Some battery chargers may include power cords that do not have an earth pin.

The hazards to consumers

If the power cord is used incorrectly on a product that requires an earth pin, it may fail, potentially causing electrical shock, serious harm or death to the user.

What consumers should do

Consumers should stop using the charger immediately.

Consumers should send all products with the affected charger to Lightforce in S.A. for a replacement. Lightforce will cover the cost of return freight. For further information, consumers can contact Lightforce Customer Service on 1800 030 308.

Traders who sold this product

Sporting and firearms dealers
NIOA Trading in Banyo, Queensland

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category