John Deere—1820 Flex Air Hoe Drills

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Machines within the serial number range: H01820XA675101 - H01820X685999.
Program 02AX187

Reasons the product is recalled

The eyebolts that support the main frame caster wheels can fail under load when the drill is in the transport configuration. If this failure occurs while the drill is being transported, the drill can become unstable and may tip and roll over.

The hazards to consumers

Component failure

What consumers should do

Please contact your John Deere Dealer immediately to make arrangements for the replacement of the eyebolts. If possible, avoid operation of the drill until it has been inspected and repaired.


John Deere Limited

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category