Imperial Tobacco Australia Limited—Camel Filters 25s and Camel Blue 25s

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Factory made cigarettes (FMC)
Camel Filters Part 4 image
Identifying features
Camel Filters 25s EAN pack/carton/shipper 40329154/4032900004341/4032900007342 Camel Blue 25s EAN pack/carton/shipper 40329123/4032900000077/4032900003153

Other identifying numbers

Camel Filters 25s EAN pack/carton/shipper 40329154/4032900004341/4032900007342

Camel Blue 25s EAN pack/carton/shipper 40329123/4032900000077/4032900003153

Reasons the product is recalled

The packaging contains an incorrect health warning image, which was replaced by the Competition and Consumer (Tobacco) Amendment Information Standard 2012 (No.1).

The hazards to consumers

The required graphic health warnings have been specifically developed by the government to assist in preventing deaths and illness attributable to tobacco products by preventing uptake or relapse and encouraging cessation of tobacco use.

What consumers should do

Return the product to the place of purchase for a full refund or a replacement product.


Imperial Tobacco Australia Limited

Traders who sold this product

Woolworths, Metcash and route outlets

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category