Hunters Overseas Pty Ltd—Magnetix Toy Building Sets

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Sold through Kmart, Target, Myer, Coles, Big W, Toys R Us, Toy World and Toy Kingdom.

Reasons the product is recalled

The importer, Hunter Overseas Pty Ltd, has become aware of a small number of instances in Australia in which some of the magnets have become dislodged from the Magnetix toys. If swallowed they may create a significant hazard to the digestive system.

The hazards to consumers

Hazard to the digestive system.

What consumers should do

Please check if magnets have become dislodged. If so, please ensure that they are immediately placed out of the reach of children. This recall only applies to sets where the magnets have become dislodged. To obtain replacement pieces or refund, please email Hunter Overseas on or call 1800 224 094.


Hunters Overseas Pty Ltd

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category