House & Garden—Wall Mirror 80x120cm

PRA number


Published date

Product description

PU Wall mirror 80x120 light silver
PU Wall mirror 80x120 brown & gold
PU Wall mirror 80x120 dark silver
Photo of Mirrors
Identifying features
Item Nos.: yw1147 yw1149 yw1201

Other identifying numbers

Item Nos.:

Reasons the product is recalled

The screws supplied with the mirror are too small and will not properly secure the mirror to the wall.

The hazards to consumers

If the mirror is not secured properly, it can fall off the wall and cause injury.

What consumers should do

Immediately take the mirror down and place it out of harm's way. Contact House & Garden for a FULL REFUND on 08 8363 5033. House & Garden are also offering a $50.00 gift voucher for any inconvenience caused.


House & Garden

Traders who sold this product

House & Garden stores in Malvern (SA), Norwood (SA) and Richmond (SA)

Where the product was sold

South Australia

Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category