Heatcraft Australia Pty Ltd—Kirby "Drop-in" Refrigeration Units

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Packaged refrigeration unit for medium-temperature applications
Identifying features
KPC800-6, KPC1000-6, KPC1400-6, KPC1700-6, KSC2000-6, KSC2700-6, KSC3500-6 Serial numbers 1108xxxxxx to 1202xxxxxx

Other identifying numbers

KPC800-6, KPC1000-6, KPC1400-6, KPC1700-6, KSC2000-6, KSC2700-6, KSC3500-6

Serial numbers 1108xxxxxx to 1202xxxxxx

Reasons the product is recalled

Units are potentially charged with counterfeit refrigerant that is flammable and poisonous. (Note that premature system failure can be an indication of the presence of the counterfeit refrigerant.)

The hazards to consumers

If the counterfeit refrigerant is exposed to the atmosphere, there is a risk of fire through spontaneous ignition and a risk of exposure to hazardous fumes.

What consumers should do

Consumers should contact their supplier or Heatcraft directly to have the unit replaced. Under no circumstances are the units to have the refrigerant replaced by a service technician whilst in-situ. The unit must be returned to Heatcraft intact and charged with its refrigerant. Contact Heatcraft on 02 9774 7222 or by emailing dropinrecall@heatcraft.com.au to arrange for the unit to be replaced.

Traders who sold this product


Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Recall advertisement

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category