Golden Circle Ltd—Junior Meal Mates—Various products

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Vegetables, Beans and Beef (1 to 3 years) - 220g can, Junior Meals Mates - Pear, Rice and Mango Pudding (1 to 3 years) - 170g glass jar, 3rd Foods Risotto, Vegtable and Beef from 10 months - 170g glass jar.
All best before dates up to and including 03/01/08. Sold through Coles, Woolworths, Metcash, Purity (Tas), IGA, Franklins and Statewide. This product has been on the marketplace for approximately 3 months.

Reasons the product is recalled

These products may contain small pieces of soft plastic.

The hazards to consumers


What consumers should do

Return to the place of purchase for a full refund.


Golden Circle Ltd

Where the product was sold


Coordinating agency

Food Standards Australia New Zealand is the coordinating agency for this recall.

Product category