eBay Trader Endless Craft Supplies — Wooden Teethers

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Wooden teething toy for infants/young children, giraffe and ice cream shaped.

Sold from January 2017 - October 2017.
Wooden Teathers Giraffe & Ice Cream

Reasons the product is recalled

The teethers are smaller than the permitted dimensions specified in the mandatory standard 'Consumer Protection Notice No. 14 of 2003 — Consumer Product Safety Standard: Toys for children up to and including 36 months of age'.

The hazards to consumers

The product may get lodged in an infant/child's throat and pose a choking or suffocation hazard.

What consumers should do

Consumers should immediately stop using the product and contact Endless Craft Supplies to receive a full refund.

Contact Endless Craft Supplies eBay store via the sale purchase link.


eBay Trader Endless Craft Supplies

Where the product was sold


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category