eBay Trader "Crazymall"—Baby Walker

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Baby & infant walker
Identifying features

Other identifying numbers


Reasons the product is recalled

The product lacks a braking mechanism and is not marked with the required warnings in contravention of the mandatory safety standard for baby walkers, Consumer Protection Notice No. 1 of 2013.

The hazards to consumers

Due to the lack of a braking mechanism, there is no means to prevent the walker from falling down stairs and injuring the child. Consumers would also not be warned of such hazards due to the lack of a warning label.

What consumers should do

Stop using the baby walker immediately and contact the Crazymall by email to arrange to return the item in exchange for a full refund: onlygua@hotmail.com


eBay Trader "Crazymall"

Traders who sold this product

eBay Trader "Crazymall"

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category