DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd—Berger Jet Dry Active Clean

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Berger Jet Dry – Active Clean is a concentrated cleaning formula for the removal of oil and grease stains from hard surfaces such as garage floors and driveways.
Identifying features
All units of Berger Jet Dry Active Clean (“Active Clean”) are affected by this recall notice. Active Clean was sold from 14 May to 3 June 2015. The product is contained in a small plastic 1L container.

Other identifying numbers

All units of Berger Jet Dry Active Clean (“Active Clean”) are affected by this
recall notice. Active Clean was sold from 14 May to 3 June 2015. The product is contained in a small plastic 1L container.

Reasons the product is recalled

The container does not have a child-resistant cap. Also, a small amount of contents may leak if the container is not stored upright.

The hazards to consumers

If the product is not stored out of reach of children as directed, young children may be able to open the container and come into contact with or consume its contents, which are poisonous and corrosive. In addition, if a container is stored on its side it may leak a small amount of contents. Contact with the contents may result in injury or irritation to the skin and eyes, and to mucous membranes and respiratory tract in case of inhalation.

What consumers should do

Handle the product with impervious rubber gloves, protective
clothing and eyewear, and in strict accordance with the safety directions
on the container, and either use all of the contents immediately, or put it in
two layers of securely closed plastic bags and return it to the place of
purchase for a refund. In case of any contact with the contents, follow the first
aid instructions on the container carefully.

Contact Details: Berger Paints (ABN 67 000 049 427), 1956 Dandenong
Road, Clayton VIC 3168; Telephone 13 25 25; Internet:

Traders who sold this product

Bunnings stores nationally, limited distribution by 2 Inspirations Paint Stores (one in NSW the other in QLD), and 4 other independent hardware stores (2 in Victoria and South Australia).

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category