Danoz Direct Pty Ltd—Back Massager Accesssory to fit Abswing

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Back Massager Accessory is an optional product designed to fit onto the back of the Abswing. This accessory is made of black plastic material and sold from November 2002 onwards. The back massager accessory made of white material is unaffected by this recall.

Reasons the product is recalled

The back massager made of black plastic material may break under pressure.

The hazards to consumers

Component failure.

What consumers should do

To receive a credit voucher or refund, return the back massager to the store from which it was purchased. Customers who purchased from Danoz Direct may return the product for a credit voucher or refund.


Danoz Direct Pty Ltd

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category