Australian Vintage Limited—McGuigan Black Label 20th Anniversary Reserve 2011 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon

PRA number


Published date

Product description

750mL McGuigan Black Label 20th Anniversary Reserve 2011 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon
McGuigan Black Label
Identifying features
Batch code L 12175

Other identifying numbers

Batch code L 12175

Reasons the product is recalled

The recall is due to undeclared allergen (sulphur dioxide 220) as a result of a labelling error.

The hazards to consumers

Any consumers who have a sulphur dioxide 220 allergy or intolerance may have a reaction if the product is consumed.

What consumers should do

Consumers who have a sulphur dioxide allergy or intolerance should not consume this product and should return it to the place of purchase for a refund.

For further information, please call Australian Vintage Limited on 02 8345 6377.


Australian Vintage Limited

Traders who sold this product

Various liquor stores

Where the product was sold

Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia

Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Coordinating agency

Food Standards Australia New Zealand is the coordinating agency for this recall.

Product category