AGL Energy Services Pty Limited — Salzer DC LB232 (a.k.a. IPV40E & IPV40ES) isolator switches

PRA number


Published date

Product description

DC isolating switch used in solar installations, commonly referred to in industry as IPV40E & IPV40ES.

IPV40E Description: Photovoltaic Switch 40A 1000V DC21B/DC-PV2 4P isolator in a IP66NW enclosure
IPV40E Manufacturing Part Number: DCLB23230429B31SMXRDGB

IPV40ES Description: Photovoltaic Switch 40A 1000V DC21B/DC-PV2 4P isolator in a IP66NW enclosure with a shield
IPV40ES Manufacturing Part Number: DCLB23230429B31SMXSRDGB
Identifying features

Other identifying numbers

IPV40E, DC LB232, DCLB23230429B31SMXRDGB; IPV40ES, DC LB232, DCLB23230429B31SMXSRDGB

Reasons the product is recalled

Some Salzer DC LB232 isolators have failed, generating excessive heat and causing the Salzer DC LB232 isolators to melt or char. This has caused localised smoke and heat damage to the area surrounding the component.

The hazards to consumers

The component could present a fire risk under certain conditions.

What consumers should do

AGL will replace the components in the solar photovoltaic (PV) systems sold by AGL within the relevant period and offer an amount to compensate customers for having their system switched off (when they will not be generating electricity), which will be estimated based on the customer’s system size and other available data.

AGL will contact its residential customers by email and phone to arrange for them to switch off the solar system where possible. AGL will arrange for an AGL representative to replace the isolators at no charge. It is unlikely that the power to the residence will need to be turned off to replace the isolators.

Further information can be obtained by contacting AGL on 1300 019 667 or by emailing or visiting

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Responsible regulator

Electrical Safety Office (QLD) is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category