ACTCO Pickering Metal Industries Pty Ltd (APMI)—Midnight Folding Handle

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Handles on a Trade Service Body ("TSB") fitted to vehicles, 5-6 handles per TSB unit.
Identifying features
DS039 LC003 MI0002 TC069 LC004 TC071 TC073 TC053 TC064 LC0001 TC052 TC070 TC065 LC002 DS053 TC072 TC059 DS056 TC054 TC058 DS046 TC051 TC057 DS047 TC050 TC068 DS044 DS054 TC067 DS045 DS055 TC066 DS042 MI0007 TC061 DS043 FLT0015 TC062 DS040 MI0001 DS052 MI0006 LC0005 DS051 Mi0005 MI0003 DS050 MI0004 DS041 DS049 TC063 DS048 TC060 MI0008

Other identifying numbers

DS039 LC003 MI0002
TC069 LC004 TC071
TC073 TC053 TC064
LC0001 TC052 TC070
TC065 LC002 DS053
TC072 TC059 DS056
TC054 TC058 DS046
TC051 TC057 DS047
TC050 TC068 DS044
DS054 TC067 DS045
DS055 TC066 DS042
MI0007 TC061 DS043
FLT0015 TC062 DS040
MI0001 DS052 MI0006
LC0005 DS051 Mi0005
MI0003 DS050 MI0004
DS041 DS049
TC063 DS048
TC060 MI0008

Reasons the product is recalled

The handles on the TSB unit may open under vibration whilst driving.

The hazards to consumers

If the handles open whilst driving, tools and equipment stored in the unit may fall onto the road, potentially causing damage to the tools/equipment and injury to other road users.

What consumers should do

Until replacement handles are available, APMI advise affected customers to use a physical restraint and duct tape over the handles and body of the TSB unit to prevent any possibility of the handles opening.

ACTCO Pickering Metal Industries Pty Ltd will contact consumers directly via letter advising them of how the defect will be rectified.

Traders who sold this product


Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category