WA: Royal showbags tested for child safety


  • 310 Perth Royal showbags inspected by product safety officers
  • Potential choking hazards detected
  • Minor issues with ingredient and warning label identified

Product safety officers have thoroughly checked 310 showbags to ensure they meet safety standards ahead of the annual IGA Perth Royal Show, which starts on September 27.
Commerce Minister Michael Mischin said inspectors from Consumer Protection and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission had examined the contents of the showbags for choking or strangulation hazards, sharp edges and banned products.
“I am pleased to report that there are no major problems,” Mr Mischin said.
“Two showbags were identified as having cosmetics without required ingredient lists and two showbags had projectile toys that did not comply with warning labelling laws. In both cases, the suppliers agreed to rectify the issue.
“One showbag was found to have toys with small parts that could choke a child under the age of three. However, the supplier has confirmed that this bag is aimed at children older than three years and will be labelled as such, so it has therefore been deemed to be compliant.”
The Minister said it was important to keep West Australian children safe.
“The Royal Show is a highlight for Perth children and we do not want their special day to be ruined by dodgy items in their showbags,” he said.
“Although these checks have been carried out, I would still urge parents to note recommended ages on the bags so that younger children do not have access to inappropriate toys.”
These annual safety checks are carried out at the invitation of the Royal Agricultural Society to ensure that all showbags on sale comply with Australian standards.
The State Government has committed $1.2million to provide free entry to the IGA Perth Royal Show for children aged under 12 when accompanied by an adult.
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