WA: Product safety guide targets discount and toy stores


Safety officers from Western Australia (WA) Consumer Protection will be distributing a product safety guide for discount variety and toy stores in WA as part of a campaign to ensure all items on sale meet national safety standards.

The education and compliance campaign will remind traders and suppliers that it is their responsibility to make sure that the products they sell and distribute are safe and comply with mandatory requirements.

WA Commissioner for Consumer Protection Anne Driscoll said there are tough penalties that apply to any business that imports, distributes or sells unsafe products.

“Not only will businesses face heavy fines if they stock unsafe items, but their reputation will also be damaged in the eyes of their customers,” Ms Driscoll said.

“Minimum safety standards for many popular items, including toys, and a list of banned products can be found online and traders should check the site regularly and subscribe to email updates so they are kept up to date with new bans and new laws.

“Businesses should not assume that imported products have been checked for compliance with Australia’s product safety laws, even if they have been cleared by Customs.”

The product safety guide, which is available in English, Vietnamese and Chinese, will be distributed to importers, suppliers, discount variety stores and toy retailers in WA reminding them of their obligations under the Australian Consumer Law.

“Businesses should value their customers’ safety and get a copy of the Product Safety Guide and utilise the online facilities to make sure they have the latest information,” the Commissioner said.

WA Consumer Protection recently joined other consumer agencies throughout Australia in a co-ordinated surveillance program focussing on children’s products including nightwear, prams/strollers, cots, dummies, cosmetics and vehicle restraints.

Nationally, almost 2,000 retailers were visited and 16,500 products inspected with just 109 products found not to comply with safety regulations. In WA, 140 stores were visited and only minor problems were found with three baby dummies and five prams being removed from sale due to labelling issues.

“This is a great result for the WA retail industry and demonstrates that they have high standards when it comes to ensuring the safety of their products,” the Commissioner said.

Consumers and traders can download a copy of the Product Safety Guide 2012 and access product safety information as well as a list of banned items at www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumerprotection - enquiries can be directed to

Consumer Protection by email: productsafety@commerce.wa.gov.au or by phone: 1300 30 40 54.

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Media contact

Alan Hynd: call 9282 0961; 0429-078791 or email alan.hynd@commerce.wa.gov.au


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