Show bags given the all clear


Today, Consumer Affairs Victoria product safety officers from Berwick and Melbourne inspected 150 show bags ahead of The Berwick & District Show this weekend.


Consumer Affairs Victoria Regional Manager, Gavin Redfern said everyone involved with the inspection was pleased with the results.


“Approximately 1,000 items were inspected, with only three items deemed unsafe. These items were removed from sale, or modified to eliminate the hazard,” Mr Redfern said.


The inspection was conduced to make sure all the items in the show bags comply with Victoria’s strict product safety standards.


Unsafe items can cause severe injuries to some of our most vulnerable consumers – children.


“Because so many boys and girls make a beeline for these bags and waste no time in getting their hands on the treasures inside – we have to make sure they are safe to play with,” Mr Redfern said.


“Toys are considered unsafe if they break easily, and any small parts present a choking hazard," he said.


During the show bags inspection, product safety officers follow guidelines used across Australia to ensure the safety of toys and novelties being supplied at shows. They look out for dangerous toys and novelties such as:

          toys with small parts which present an ingestion, choking or inhalation hazard to young children

          projectile toys which may cause serious eye injuries

          toys with sharp edges or points which may cause laceration or stab wounds

          liquid filled toys and cosmetics which may contain toxic chemicals

          masks with insufficient ventilation which may cause breathing difficulties

          plastic show bags without ventilation holes which may pose a suffocation hazard; and

          toys and novelties that may contain lead.


For more information or to raise concerns on toy safety, contact Consumer Affairs Victoria on the Toy and Nursery Safety Line on 1300 36 48 94 or visit

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Haifa Majdali (03) 8684 8339

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