Replace your hot water bottle now


Dr Emerson said consumers will now have access to useful information which can help them avoid common injuries resulting from hot water bottle use. He said a new short film, developed by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, outlines the dangers associated with hot water bottles and offers tips on how to use them safely.

“With winter setting in more people will be using hot water bottles,” he said. “They can be a great comfort – however if used incorrectly they can cause serious burns.”

Dr Emerson said each year, around 200 people are admitted to hospital with burns related to hot water bottles ranging from superficial scalds to deep, full thickness burns. Some of these injuries require surgery and skin grafts.

“There are steps you can take to help prevent a nasty burn injury,” he said. “Be sure to follow instructions for safe use and be careful when filling and using hot water bottles. This includes using water that is hot, but not boiling.

Dr Emerson said the educational film can be viewed on the Product Safety Australia website,, or on YouTube. He said consumers can now also follow Product Safety at the ACCC on Twitter via @ProductSafetyAU.

Contact details

Media contact – Carly Learson 0466 262 111