QLD: Toys to avoid this Christmas


Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie today revealed the unsafe toys that made the naughty Christmas list this year at the Goodstart Early Learning Centre in Brisbane.

“Through this year’s Operation Safe Christmas, 42 unsafe toy lines have been removed from shelves across Queensland,” Mr Bleijie said.

“We also have some tips for Mums and Dads so they know what other toys they should avoid.”

Mr Bleijie said children’s toy sales have skyrocketed in the lead up to Christmas and it is important parents are armed with the best information when shopping for presents.

“By following the Five S’s of Toy Safety, size, shape, surface, strings and supervision, we can all enjoy a happy and safe time over the holidays,” he said.

“As a father myself with three young children, knowing what to avoid when shopping gives me peace of mind.”

Mr Bleijie said Fair Trading officers conducted 291 compliance checks at retailers, pop up shops and importer warehouses in the search for unsafe toys, with more than 4,000 product lines inspected.

“Whilst it is pleasing to see the vast majority of toy suppliers go out of their way to sell safe toys, unfortunately there are still some who don’t,” he said.

“Toys for children under three were found to have the most safety failures this year.

“It doesn’t take long for a child to swallow part of a toy or become entangled in something which is why toys for young children must meet strict standards.

“Parents who’ve purchased an unsafe toy, including those on this year’s list, can return it to the place of purchase for a full refund.”

Goodstart Early Learning National Health and Safety Manager Kylie Warren-Wright said toys and learning resources approved for purchase by Goodstart centres were risk assessed by health and safety professionals.

“It’s very important to ensure that the toys you select for your child are age appropriate,” Ms Warren-Wright said.

“What you might buy for your older child may not be appropriate for a younger sibling.

“The health and safety of children and staff is our top priority at Goodstart Early Learning, so we choose learning resources for our children very carefully and in line with the Office of Fair Trading’s guidelines.

“I encourage all parents to keep the OFT’s tips in mind when shopping for Chrissie pressies.”

For a full list and photos of this year’s unsafe toys visit www.fairtrading.qld.gov.au.

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Ashley McDermid 0412 731 355 or Katherine Hornbuckle 0402 862 351

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