Protections for children in inflatable swimming pools


Acting Minister for Fair Trading, Graham West, today launched a NSW Government campaign to help protect children in inflatable swimming pools.

Mr West said as part of the campaign, pool retailers and retailing associations will be asked to supply pool safety fact sheets to people buying inflatable pools.

“The safety guidelines will give parents a simple source of information about how to keep their children safe this summer,” Mr West said.

“Inflatable swimming pools are a great source of fun, but there can be dangers that people buying these pools need to know.

“Inflatable swimming pools that are able to be filled to 30 centimetres or more in depth need to be surrounded by a safety barrier.

“We need to make sure that parents with young children are aware of safety guidelines.

“If these fact sheets help to prevent one child drowning, then they have been worthwhile,” Mr West said.

Minister West also backed a spot check of 25 retail outlets across NSW conducted by Fair Trading safety inspectors yesterday (23 December).

“I am pleased to report that of all the stores visited, only one product failed to carry the appropriate warnings in line with the voluntary code,” he said.

Mr West said it was imperative that children were supervised at all times in and around all pools, especially inflatable pools.

“Inflatable pools are an inexpensive option for families on a budget or with limited space,” he said.

“But there are a few simple rules to follow to keep your children safe.

“In addition to fencing the pool off if it is filled to a depth of more than 30 centimetres, all doors and gates accessing the pool must remain closed at all times and a warning sign must be displayed near the pool.

“When not in use, inflatable pools should be emptied and stored safely away from young children,” he said.

Mr West said laws required these pools to be separated from any residential building and adjacent premises.

NSW is the only Australian jurisdiction to issue safety guidelines for inflatable pool warning labels.

“A warning label is a simple way to remind consumers about their safety obligations in and around inflatable pools,” Mr West said.

“It only takes a moment to read a warning label but it can save a life.

“We can never be too careful when it comes to keeping our kids safe during summer,” Mr West said.

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