Online shopping: do the products you buy comply with Australian safety standards?


Shopping online can offer benefits such as increased choice and convenience, but you need to remain vigilant about product safety when buying products online.

Shopping online means that you are unable to physically handle and inspect goods to assess things like sturdiness, safety and labels before buying. Products sold in other countries may not have the same standards of safety that are mandatory in Australia for some goods.

Before purchasing products online, you should check:

  • whether the product is banned or subject to a safety standard in Australia (detailed information about bans and safety standards is available on this website)
  • the product pages on this website for other safety features to look for
  • whether the product has been recalled by visiting the Recalls Australia website
  • with the seller to find out if the product complies with any safety or relevant voluntary Australian or overseas standards.

Following these simple steps can help you avoid purchasing a product online that may be unsafe.