NSW: Warning on recalls


Winplus Australasia Pty Ltd Cocoon Baby Monitor Power Adaptors
Bulk Bikes - Kylin XR-205 Motorcycle Helmet

NSW Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe is warning consumers about two recent recalls that have been associated with fatalities and severe injuries.

He also warned consumers to check regularly on the Australian Government recall website at www.recalls.gov.au to help self-protect against goods found with major and life threatening faults.

“Consumers need to be safety conscious in the modern market and I recommend they make a habit of checking the recalls site to make sure products they have purchased are safe for use,” he said.

“These two recent recalls have been associated with fatalities and severe injuries, so it is very important consumers who may have purchased these products stop using them immediately.”

Recall details are:

Winplus Australasia Pty Ltd Cocoon Baby Monitor Power Adaptors
Recalled Cocoon Baby Monitor Power Adaptor

Above: Recalled Cocoon Baby Monitor Power Adaptor

Product description
Borasen 240V AC Power Adaptors (2 units per pack) provided with Cocoon Baby Monitors

Identifying features
BX - 0500500

What are the defects?
The power adaptor may pull apart when the customer removes it from a socket outlet, exposing live wires.

What are the hazards?
If the wires are touched while the unit is plugged in to an outlet there is a risk of electric shock.

Dates available for sale
7th November 2012 - 27th March 2013

Where the product was sold
New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria

Traders who sold this product
Aldi Stores

Winplus Australasia Pty Ltd

Supplier's web site

What should consumers do?
Customers should cease using the power adaptors and contact Winplus Australasia for replacement power adaptors. Customers can still use the baby monitors using non-rechargeable batteries.

Please contact Winplus Australasia Pty Ltd on 1300 663 907 9.00am - 6.00pm Monday - Friday (within Australia) or + 613 8727 7600 (outside Australia) or email customercare@winplus.com.au for further information or to arrange for replacement power adaptors.

Bulk Bikes - Kylin XR-205 Motorcycle Helmet

Product description
Open face skull cap motorcycle helmet (large, 59-60cm)

Identifying features
XR-205, L 59-60cm

What are the defects?
A number of large sized Kylin motorcycle helmets do not meet performance requirements that are outlined in the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS1698:2006.

What are the hazards?
There is a possibility that the helmets may not provide adequate protection to the wearer in the event of an accident and may increase the risk of death or serious injury to the wearer.

Dates available for sale
14th September 2012 - 25th April 2013

Where the product was sold

Traders who sold this product
Bulk Bikes

Bulk Bikes

What should consumers do?
Consumers should immediately stop using the helmets and contact Bulk Bikes to organise for a refund or replacement. For further information please email bulkbikes@bigpond.com

Media contact: 9338 8916 or 0423 606 394

Contact details

Media contact: Telephone (02) 9338 8916 or 0423 606 394

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