NSW: Warning on Avanco DC Solar Isolators


Acting NSW Fair Trading Commissioner Rob Vellar today advised NSW consumers and traders of the recall of Avanco brand DC Solar Isolators, initiated by the Electrical Safety Office in Queensland.

The affected models, distributed by the Queensland-based company Advancetech Pty Ltd, include:


Avanco brand switches have the brand on the front as shown in the photo.

Avanco DC Solar Isolator

Mr Vellar said to date there had been 57 incidents reported in Queensland with three incidents resulting in the isolator overheating and causing a small localised fire.

“In NSW there have been a small number of solar panel systems with Avanco isolator switches failing, with NSW Fire & Rescue responding on one occasion,” Mr Vellar said.

“These switches were mainly sold in Queensland but it is known that some switches have been purchased from the Queensland company and installed in NSW by electrical contractors.”

On 16 May 2014 Fair Trading was advised Advancetech Pty Ltd had been placed under external administration and a liquidator appointed. The liquidator is David Stimpson of S V Partners, Brisbane.

NSW Fair Trading will be working with other state and territory regulators to determine whether a broader recall is required.

“We recommend NSW residents who think they may have had these switches installed on their solar panel systems to contact the electrician who installed the system,” Mr Vellar said.

“Consumers can check invoices or instruction or warranty paperwork to identify whether they have this brand of isolator switch installed. If the switch on a system is located at ground level consumers may be able to identify for themselves whether they have one of the switches subject to the recall. If the switch is at roof level, consumers should not attempt to check themselves.

“Under no circumstances should consumers attempt to replace their own switches. Systems need to be shutdown following the proper procedure and only a licensed electrician should install a replacement isolator.”

Fair Trading advises that electrical installers should contact their suppliers to organise a replacement isolator.

For further advice on solar panel safety go to the NSW Fair Trading website.

Consumer with questions or concerns may contact Fair Trading on 13 32 20 for advice and assistance.

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