New safety standard for portable pools


New warning labels will be required on portable pools from March 2014 under a new mandatory safety standard, said Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury.

Portable pools can range in size from shallow inflatable pools to pools as long as 10 metres and are a popular choice for families during the summer months.

Warning labels will be required on portable pools and their retail packaging to increase awareness of the need to actively supervise children, empty the water from shallow children's pools and State and Territory fencing laws that apply to pools with depths of 300 millimetres or more.

“Parents should always be actively supervising their children around water,” said Mr Bradbury. “Even shallow children's pools can pose a drowning hazard if children are left unsupervised.

“These new warning labels on portable pools and their packaging will make sure that this message is front and centre of parents' minds.

“The labels will also make it clear that pools with depths of 300 millimetres or more are subject to State and Territory pool fencing laws. Consumers that have purchased these types of portable pools should contact their local government authorities to confirm the fencing requirements for their pool.”

The new safety standard will come into force in March 2014 following a transition period to allow retailers to obtain compliant stock.

The safety standard is attached. More information can be found on the Product Safety website.

Contact details

Parliament House Office

Tel: (02) 6277 7360

Attached documents

Portable swimming pools - mandatory safety standard ( PDF 240.36 KB )

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

Product category