EasterSafe Campaign 2012


These Easter holidays, give yourself a break – not a product safety headache!

In the lead up to the Easter break, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is helping to make Australians more aware of how they can make their holidays safer.

This campaign closed on 20 April 2012. Thanks to everyone who participated! See all the tips below.

Follow the ACCC’s national Easter holidays safety campaign here, on Facebook and on Twitter for product safety tips and hints.




Get involved

Get involved and share your Easter holiday safety advice with all Australians!

You can join the campaign by:

  • Following @ProductSafetyAU and start tweeting. Use the #EasterSafe hash tag in your tweets to ensure we pick it up—the best tips will be retweeted and added to our website.
  • 'Liking' the ACCC Product Safety page on Facebook. 'Comment' on our EasterSafe posts with your tips.
  • If you don’t have a Twitter or Facebook account, you can email your tip to us on psa@accc.gov.au and include EasterSafe in your subject title.

The best tips will be added to this website - and if on Twitter, they'll also be retweeted!

Our tips these Easter holidays

Keep safe when you're around flames and sources like BBQs, campfires & fireplaces – all clothing is flammable! Flammable clothing

It’s getting colder! When making sure the kids are snug as bugs, remember to check their PJs and nightwear for fire danger labels – these help avoid serious burns: Nightwear for children

Getting out the hot water bottle? Storing it correctly can help prevent serious burns. To find out more about avoiding the damage hot water bottles can cause, check out our video: Hot watter bottles - The hidden dangers

A last swim before winter? Always supervise kids using flotation and aquatic toys to avoid drowning: Swimming & flotation aids for children

Kids+holidays=laundry! Minimise fire danger. Inspect your tumble dryer and clean lint filters. Tumble dryer fire danger

Projectile toys may be fun for kids but can pose serious hazards. Check your kids are playing safe: Toy guns & other projectile toys

These holidays keep older kids toys out of reach of kids under 3, small parts pose choking hazards: Toys for children under 3 safety

Doing shopping these holidays? Check the latest recalls via the FREE Recalls Australia iPhone app!

Going away in the 4WD? Learn safe use of recovery straps to avoid death or injury if you get bogged: Recovery straps for motor vehicles

Doing car maintenance these holidays? Be safe working under your car & avoid horrific injuries or death: Under your car - DIY vehicle maintenance

Planning a road trip this Easter break? Here are some tips to follow to make sure your kids are as safe as possible in the car: Child car restraint safety

Did you know both motorbike & bicycle helmets must meet safety standards by law? Check yours is safe! FAQ - What types of helmets have mandatory safety standards?

Don’t stretch elastic straps on your roof rack too far – you can seriously injure yourself or others: Elastic luggage straps

Doing DIY work around the house these holidays? Check your ladder’s condition – avoid serious injury: Ladder safety

Holidaying with kids? Tie blind/curtain cords out of reach & move away furniture they can climb on: Blind & curtain cord safety

Bean bags are great for kids to use but make sure little ones can’t access the beads & choke on them: Bean bags

Your holiday accommodation’s fireplace should make it cosy, not deadly! Make sure fireplaces are free of blockages to prevent carbon monoxide build-up indoors: Carbox monoxide safety

Portable cots are handy when you’re travelling with baby, but remember to place it clear of cords, electrical appliances, power outlets and other hazards to avoid possible burns and electrocution: Folding cot safety

Holiday furniture isn’t always the newest – check kids’ bunk beds for entrapment & fall hazards: Bunk beds

Need sunnies ‘cos it’s so sunny? Check the mandatory labels on sunglasses – they help you choose the level of protection you need & avoid harm: Sunglasses & fashion spectacles

If you’re out for a bike ride, make sure your bicycle has the mandatory safety features like reflectors, brakes & protective guards: Bicycles

Cooking on campsite? Loose clothing can catch fire easily – make sure you’re safe using open fires: Flammable clothing

Found your family accommodation for the Easter holidays? Make sure any loose blind and curtain cords are fixed out of kids’ reach to avoid accidental strangulation: Blind and curtain cords

Drowning can happen in seconds – avoid danger by checking out these water safety tips before you head out to have fun in the water! Water hazards

Mini/monkey bikes without safety features can cause serious injury or death. Check before you ride: Monkey bikes

Shooting hoops on the holidays? Check that basketball rings are securely attached to the wall or post. If it’s a brick wall, make sure the wall is sound: Basketball rings & backboards

Easter holidays tips from others

Making the most of the pool over Easter? Dive in with Consumer Protection's skimmer box safety: http://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/ConsumerProtection/PDF/Product_Safety/Skimmer_Boxes.pdf | ConsumerWA

Heading away with the kids? Check for unsafe furniture at accommodation. Pack a bunk bed safety checklist http://tiny.cc/e6c8bw | ConsumerWA

Boating in South Australia over Easter? Make sure you read the FREE boat safety handbook http://ow.ly/a45VS | sagovau

Why speed and risk injury/death or a fine. Your destination is going to wait for you no matter what. | TJBolat

Stick to the speed limit and maintain safe breaking distance. It's not a race. | MuzzleFork

Gearing up for a bike ride this Easter? Wheel over these links for safety tips http://tiny.cc/jti6bw http://tiny.cc/bui6bw | ConsumerWA

Going away for Easter? Make sure baby sleeps safe n sound in cots provided at accommodation. Quick guide @ http://tiny.cc/a2h4bw | ConsumerWA

Concerned about the safety of a product in Western Australia? Speak with Consumer Protection WA today http://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/ConsumerProtection/PDF/Product_Safety/Unsafe_products.pdf | ConsumerWA

Only working smoke alarms save lives: change the batteries & test your alarm ▸ http://ow.ly/9to7M | sa.gov.au

Seatbelts & child restraints: Find out about the laws in #SouthAustralia ▸ http://ow.ly/a0OF9 | sa.gov.au

Good outdoor lighting is as much for safety as it is for decoration: http://lighting.build.com.au/how-light-different-areas/outdoor-lighting/landscape-and-garden-lighting | buildcomau

Nothing ruins easter celebrations quite like running through a glass door http://windows.build.com.au/performance/window-safety | buildcomau

Catering at an outdoor event? Follow the gas safety checklist & stay safe | sa.gov.au