Dangerous toys destroyed today


More than 11,000 dangerous toys will be destroyed after being seized from wholesale and retail outlets around Victoria, Consumer Affairs Minister Tony Robinson announced today.

Mr Robinson said the toys being destroyed today were part of more than 26,500 banned and unsafe toys seized so far this year from more than 560 retail and wholesale outlets across the state. 

“The Brumby Labor Government takes the wellbeing of Victorian kids very seriously and that’s why we enforce tough safety standards on toys and children’s products,” Mr Robinson said.

“Today’s toy crush is destroying thousands of dangerous products that have been seized in our ongoing crackdown on dodgy toy dealers.

“All of the toys being destroyed today are unsafe.  Poorly designed and breakable toys could potentially cut, choke or strangle children.  Dangerous toy guns that fire projectiles can blind and toxic levels of lead in painted toys can affect brain development if ingested.”

Mr Robinson said the dangerous toys seized so far this year included:
•    More than 11,700 toys for children under three that break easily into small parts that can cut children or choke them if swallowed or have excessive levels of lead in paints or finishes;
•    More than 9,000 ‘grow toys’ that expand when placed in water. If kids put these in their mouths they can be accidentally swallowed and choke kids; 
•    More than 4,500 banned novelty cigarette lighters that look like toy cars or animals;
•    More than 800 projectile toys such as toy guns, dart sets, bow and arrow sets and sling shots; and
•    More than 280 toy drawing boards and letters containing loose magnets that could be swallowed.

“This Government enforces very strict safety standards and ban orders to ensure products available for sale in Victoria are safe and don’t pose unnecessary risk of harm to babies and small children,” Mr Robinson said.

“Product safety inspectors are constantly monitoring Victorian wholesalers and retailers to ensure products for sale meet these high legal standards.

“These inspectors have broad-ranging powers to search and seize products that don’t comply with the law so we can keep our children safe from harm.”

Mr Robinson said dodgy toy dealers risked fines of up to $70,000 for breaching ban orders and safety standards.

Traders convicted of dealing in unsafe toys must also pay to have the dangerous products destroyed.

For more information and images of banned toys, visit the Consumer Affairs Victoria website at www.consumer.vic.gov.au

Contact details

Consumer Affairs Helpline: 1300 55 81 81

Website: www.consumer.vic.gov.au

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