Choke Check tool hits postcard stands across Australia


The ACCC's free Choke Check tool is now available on postcard stands at various cafes and other public venues across Australia. It was first launched at the Melbourne Pregnancy, Babies and Children's Expo in October 2013.

Choke Check: If it fits in here, it may block a child's throat

The Choke Check comes as a folded card with an easy make-it-yourself pop-out cylinder that can help check whether an object might be a choking hazard to a small child.

Once made, anything that can fit totally inside the top end of the Choke Check cylinder is a potential choking hazard to a young child – and something to keep out of their reach and/or fix.

Here is the Choke Check in demonstration at the Expo:

Why check for choking hazards?

As a natural part of their development, babies and young children often place items in their mouths and can easily choke or suffocate if a small object gets stuck in their throat. This can lead to the devastating result of loss of consciousness or death.

The Choke Check’s design is similar to the design of an actual test cylinder that’s used by professional safety testing companies to certify whether a toy meets one of the mandatory safety requirements for toys for children under 36 months of age. If a toy or part of a toy designed for children under 3 years of age fails this test, it may be recalled. Action may also be taken against the supplier.

The Choke Check is intended only as a guide for consumers and should not be relied on to check for compliance with standards and the law.

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More information on choking hazards and the safety of over 30 different infant and nursery products is available in the ACCC's free Keeping baby safe guide.

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