ACCC reviewing 10 mandatory safety standards


Mandatory product safety standards make particular safety or information features on products compulsory. If the product doesn’t meet these requirements then it is not legal to supply it in Australia.

The ACCC periodically reviews these standards to ensure that they continue to be warranted and effective. As part of this program it has published eight consultation papers reviewing ten mandatory safety standards and intends to release grouped reviews in two or perhaps three more groups. 

Standards under review include:

  • household cots that are new, second-hand, antique, and collectable,
  • requirements for the design, construction, performance and labelling of portable motor vehicle ramps with a nominated capacity of up to and including 1.5 tonnes and
  • safety testing and labelling of children's nightwear.

All reviews are listed on our Consultations page.

The full list of standards is available at Mandatory standards