ACCC releases app to help keep babies safe


Parents, carers and parents-to-be can use their iPhones or iPads to easily access a range of infant and nursery product safety information from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission following the launch of a free app.

"Keeping baby safe is a new app developed by the ACCC which features safety information and buying tips for more than 30 different infant and nursery products including cots, prams, change tables and more," ACCC deputy chair Delia Rickard said.

"The app includes potential hazards, buying tips and advice on how to use the products safely. It's a handy, tech-friendly way to help parents and carers keep their small children safe," Ms Rickard said.

"The app will allow parents who are out shopping for baby products or researching purchases for their nursery to quickly find out about the key safety features they should be looking for."

The ACCC's Keeping baby safe app also includes information on warnings and dangers related to specific products, and an 'Explore your home' feature where users can find safety information on products likely to be found in each room of their house.

For example if a parent is out shopping for a pram, they can easily look up key safety features prams must have, find out about the mandatory warning labels, and also get tips on how to use prams safely.

This new app is part of the ACCC's suite of Keeping baby safe products. Other resources include a popular booklet, which can be downloaded from or as a free eBook from the iBook store, and short safety films.

"It's just one of the ways the ACCC is working to make product safety information accessible to a wide range of consumers," Ms said.

More information
For more information on the Keeping baby safe suite of information visit 
Infant and nursery product safety information from the ACCC is also available via:

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Media inquiries

Mr Brent Rebecca, media unit, (02) 6243 1317 or 0408 995 408

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Infocentre: 1300 302 502

NR 157/12

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

Product category