ACCC consults on criteria for accepting international product safety standards


The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is consulting on criteria for accepting international product safety standards and risk assessments. The consultation paper identifies the three draft criteria the ACCC will use when developing and reviewing product safety standards and bans.

The adoption of international standards and risk assessments supports the Government's overall objective to reduce the regulatory burden on business, community organisations, families and individuals.

Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper by close of business 5 June 2015. The ACCC will consider submissions on the consultation paper before publishing final criteria. 

Preferred method of submissions is via the ACCC consultation hub.

Contact details

Submissions can be made:

Attached documents

ACCC criteria for accepting international standards and risk assessments for product safety ( DOCX 67.79 KB )

ACCC criteria for accepting international standards and risk assessments for product safety ( PDF 163.81 KB )